CMIG – Calcutta Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology


We conduct applied research with multidisciplinary approach towards ageing and the elderly. Our main areas are :

HUMAN TOUCH - pandemic through the grey lenses

" I could not touch my brother when he died "

" I could not touch the tiny hands of my granddaughter through the computer screen "

" I could not touch my daughter to give a hug when my husband passed away "

Human touch is a compilation of audio interviews of senior citizens sharing their experiences, difficulties, losses and ways to cope in the pandemic alongwith inputs from ageing experts.

Contributed by Senior citizens S R Chakraborty, K P Bhattacharjee, Susmita Chaudhuri, Subhash Majumder, Bharti Neogi and Molly Ghosh.

Expert inputs from Gerontologist Dr. Indrani Chakravarty and Geriatrician Dr. Indranil Maitra.
Interviewed by Esha Chakravarty.

Audio interview of Sr. Citizen Mrs. Molly Ghosh

Audio interview of Sr. Citizen Dr. Bharti Neogi

Audio interview of Sr. Citizen Mr. K P Bhattacharjee

Audio interview of Geriatrician Dr. Indranil Maitra

Audio interview of Sr. Citizen Mrs. Susmita Chaudhuri

Audio interview of Sr. Citizen Mr. S R Chakraborty

Audio interview of Sr. Citizen Mr. Subhash Majumder

Innovative research on the role of dance as a Supportive Therapy in the approach towards Cancer

Article in Times of India

Research Projects Carried Out

Aged in Calcutta : A Gerontological Study

The Aged in Slums : A Documentative Gerontological Study

A Study Aimed at Utilizing the Potentials of the Senior Citizens for the Benefit of the society.

Ageing & Disability : A Gerontological Study

Dynamics of Elder Care in Urban and Rural Milieu







Funding Agency

Ministry of Social Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi

The Peerless General Finance & Investment Company Limited

HelpAge India


ICSSR, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India

Important Papers Published

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